Dr. David Heber in, “what color is our diet” cracks natures nutritional code depicted in colors. Some important findings are being given below:-
Lycopene a cancer fighting antioxidant is abundant in red tomato. It is also found in guava, amaranth, grapes, jamun and watermelon. Isothiocyanates are stimulators of cancer fighting enzymes of liver. It is found in greens, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Coriandar and fenugreek are very rich in it. Garlic & onion contain allicin which is a tumor fighter. Cryptoxanthin found in citrus, orange and yellow fruits like orange papaya, peaches, pineapple and chakotara protects body cells from damages.
Beta carotene of orange colored fruits and vegetables boosts eye and skin health and decreases risk for cancer. Carrots, apricot, mango, pumpkin and sweet potato abundantly have beta carotene. Aspergus, celery and mushrooms are rich in flavonoids which work against cell damage and repair it. Anthocyamins, the powerful antioxidants are found in cherries, eggplant, plum, raspberries, apple, red pepper and mixed fruit jam, which reduce the heart disease risk. The mustard, corn, spinach, lettuce, kiwi, beams and cucumber are rich in tulein and zeaxanthin which fights cataract and general degeneration of cells.
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