Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remain Light

Spirituality is neither about religious nor is it about rituals and gods. Spirituality and religion both are way of life and attitude of living.It is all about joy of giving and facing situations of life.
We should live happily free from notion of honor and dishonor, like a child.Our love of body and attachment to body makes us helplessly attached to house, wealth and wife. Dead body is fuel of fire, alive is eaten by sense organs only. One should not forget that body is given to us for liberation not for trivial sensual enjoyments. We should practice creative ways of looking at life so that we can achieve peace and be at peace with ourselves. Past and future can neither be controlled nor predicted. Right moment is just now, only present is important so it is a great gift and called present of life. Come forward to cherish every moment and always remain light in our lives.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ego Makes Miserable

Dancing butterfly and singing bird make us believe that happiness and joy is nothing special and extraordinary. We can well be happy with the feeling of being ordinary and simple. For being simple we complicate ourselves. This makes us uncommon and extraordinary. This is not real state of being, thus it makes us miserable and in some way or other way it takes us away from ourselves. The more we become enclosed in ourselves and become meticulous in our practices of life, it only goes on becoming increasingly meaningless.
The day we learn, how to read, difficulty begins because it gives rise of self and starts accumulating material of ego. It simply goes on rising with our own personality development and finally it becomes very difficult to get out of this trap.


What is quality? Quality is a never ending cycle of improvement.It is continued and expanded dependability and reliance.Quality is certainly linked with credibility and pride of ownership.
Quality can not be achieved with improved and excellent output, thus it is collective attitude of management.Quality can only be ensured by timely delivery.It is also wisdom of investment and financial management depicting profitability.Quality is customer satisfactory and delight, it is a certain level conformance to specified requirements.Quality spells fitness, appropriateness and value for money.It is a pursuit to zero defects, maximizing confidence and productivity.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our Children

Children as we see are thoughtful creative and acquiescent.They possess inspiring energy but lack of experience generally makes them behave childlike. Parents should understand it and allow time so that gradually children receive experience and synchronize with their thought and system. Generally we feel needy to communicate with children during the moments of anger or happiness. In these situations a child is unable to process the information correctly thus further communication with him fails and never serves the purpose of communication.
The more we manage to express with emotion and care children respond to it and learn that things unsaid should be acknowledged and believed. In fact this is a kind of bond which makes a family or relation. Children are highly motivated by close and loving relations within the family.
It is taught that compromise and have fun together is general rule. This type of family culture allows children to attract friends in their life who appreciate their social skills and create a win win experience of life. Children should clearly understand that rules in life are to be strictly followed. It takes time and energy to follow and abide by rules but it is worth because most of the rules if followed reduce every type of conflict and what we do for someone, strengthen the bond and relations are built.
Kids should be encouraged to identify and express their underlying emotions, expression of likes and dislikes and listen them with sensitivity.

Our Body

Our health and state of body is a non verbal communication and instant impression.One should take care of body because it is necessary for the confidence of wellness and feeling of well being.Good health makes us enthusiastic and vibrant.It keeps us energised in our day today life in this world.
Simple method to take care of health is to avoid accumulation of toxins which can be reduced and avoided simply by burning calorie and reduction of intake.Regular exercise is necessary because it reduces weight improves oxidation improving and strengthening the cardiovascular and circulatory system.
Managing our body and mind we can enhance the potential.Thoughtful consideration on breathing and relaxation can do wonders.Diet control and exercise are most important priorities.Apart from being a great expression and statement, healthy body is a recurring source of confidence and wellness.

Only Success

How to succeed is a question which comes to every mind at a particular juncture of life.Successful completion of a work or achieving something we want is called 'success'.To have secured future economically can be a small objective and realisation of ultimate reality is a big objective.Success is a must to mitigate our worries, pessimistic life and fulfill our requirements, it establishes our identity, recognition and honour in the society.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Choose to react

Good people honour human and good behaviour.More you honour a good book more you extract benefit out of it.The benefit is not caused by some mystry or spiritual art, it is simply because of faith which is partial enlightment and samadhi in itself.Every moment of faith is a diversion from physical world.The world is never according to the demands of our ego.
Sometimes we don't get situation, people and times of our choice, we become indignate but we can always choose how we react.If we are complaining for everything and go ofter self pity only, more unhappiness and stress is there.we can also go for dialogue and focus on aspects of performance etc.
Constant gratitude and contentnment make people cool and contented,they gradually cope better with nature and society.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stay Good

You are strong when you hold your backbone in your hand and smile even in most grief-stricken conditions of life.Brave people overcome their own fear and help others to fight fear in their lives.If we are honest human being , every hope of future is more important than bad experiences of past or a mistake of yesterday.The minimum meaning of liberty is our own control on ourselves and restraining ourselves to control others or even to interfere in their matters.
Unless we give so much time and energy to our own improvement that we have no time to criticize others and we are not equally enthusiastic about success of all others, we are not optimistic at all.Let us become large enough so that no worries can reach us and nothing can disturb the peace of our mind.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Urbanization Today

Only in India 38000 people migrate from villages to cities everyday. This is going to be 140 million by 2020 and 700 million 2050. Urbanization in the world is driven by organic population growth, compounded by migration from villages. Explosive growth of cities through out the World in the last decade of twentieth Century has created a huge strain on the physical infrastructure of all the cities and suburbs. Power shortage, mismanagement of monsoon deluges, traffic system, population explosion, pollution, congestion, unemployment , poor housing and water supply,solid waste management and poor service delivery affects in varying degrees the life of people in all the cities.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Breaking The Crust

From the deep core of our life we are only love inside, but, worldly behaviour is there outside. This crust of behaviour is finite and unreal, unpredictable and fake. Life in fact is, freedom. Unlimited freedom is like a current from our soul. We see that breathe goes in to the body of our flesh with an intense fervor. This fervor is such intense that we mistake the effect for a cause and simply imagine that body has life and it is breathing before us.

We are conscious when we feel our body and are aware of breathing. Even the temporary separation from breathing and body awareness is a subconscious stage like sleep. The lesson is to be free from delusion that our existence depends on body or breathing apparatus. It is a freedom to know and perceive it, this is called super consciousness. It is real life and truthful living. It is enlightenment in spiritual sense. It is a natural start of a journey which takes care of everything by itself.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Joy of Journey

All of us are unique and very special.We are not comparable to others and one should never compare himself with any other person.It is always to be remembered that everyone of us is a different combination and separate talent has been allotted to everyone and thus all have outstanding features.That is why simply by doing what is natural to you, you start with the best and you find the best result in the respective social field.
It is really a wastage to put someone in front of you and start comparing.Even if you succeed in this pursuit you are exposed to a situation where there are problems of duality, faults and feeling of being a carbon copy.Take charge of things and try to do simply what is natural to you and please do it in a way you enjoy doing it.Dwelling upon the sanctity and joy of uniqueness we can really understand consciousness in better and fuller manner which is in fact worthwhile living in this world.

The Self

We generally do not know anything about builders of old cathedral, same is true to the creator of the universe.Ultimate reality is invisible, it is supreme self, unmanifested and imperishable.It is ever pure and without any attributes.Our soul is a fraction of ultimate self having infinite powers and probabilities.This is also called self in spiritual language.
Our soul enjoy fruits of action but it is always pure consciousness and perfect set of nature.It has potential of possessing pure and perfect knowledge, boundless intuitions and unlimited power as well as infinite joy and everlasting bliss.It is ultimate truth that the supreme reality presents itself as our own pure self i.e. infinite self.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Win And Transcend

'I' and 'we all' may combine and start 'our' ideas; it has different shape, face and force.Perfect communication, open discussion and honest implementation after concluding things gradually changes the paradigm.This if practiced properly provides very practical and committed execution network because everyone comes out of his mental confusion and uncertainty giving a clear line of action.Thus a system is evolved which has no scope for personal identities and ego.Business should be built for the best of everyone and this makes it immortal.A good business, enterprise or even goals transcend beyond personal aspects and scope.
One should not be captive of aspirations of his own mind and should not get struck up for what he is called.It is only worthwhile to focus on what one can do and how he can do it in best possible fashion.There is absolutely no limit of what one can do.After a reasonable perfection in our works we remember that we are all divine birds and we have to fly in the space freely appreciating the infinite.It is to be done by all our acts and joy.We have to come out of the shell of the world.The mantle has to be removed.It is said that the fear of coming out is baseless as the preserver is everywhere and all powerful.Come out to gain full freedom of life, kick the shell, shed the mantle, close the eyes and stretch the wings, no sky is limit.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Life and all the varied experiences in this universe are no more real than the programmed matrix in the computer of our minds.Manifestation of everything is simply added effect of attention and intention.The reality we perceive is entirely a function of these two forces at our resources and commands.But truly speaking we are all that, in fact there is nothing to attain and no lessons are there to be learnt.
Taste and level of perception of people is different and all things even destruction and crime have been generated by the mind only in a fashion it has been gradually programmed.
Wise say connect the mind with its source, happiness will start flowing.This is how one is elevated in thoughts, perception and action as soon as one comes to know it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Persons who want to standout and deny to be recognized as a different class of people are called first generation entrepreneurs. All the entrepreneurs go through the chaotic phase and execution phase, ideas are born out of this chaos and the large number of patterns are broken paving path and distinction of new.First generation entrepreneurs inspire the society because they built their business from scratch.Successful and competent entrepreneurs built businesses that live forever or for at least a long time. This is done by building institutions for the benefit of every one. This is how they leave a great inheritance of values, motivations, aspirations and goals.The idea of inheritance, legacy and value is most important constituent of right entrepreneurship.
Firms cease after five to ten years, seeing different waves of economy and stability in the society and nation, hardly 25% survive into second generation and 15% carry it up to the third generation. Legacy in fact is inheritance of great examples and it requires sustained priorities and efforts and this is difficult because entrepreneurs are very busy creating and running the show.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Villain of Health

Everyone believes that we constantly need to work towards physical activity but our priorities make us forget this important thing.One can easily walk to work and use stairs instead of elevators but ignore all this.Neglect of physical work and faulty food habits cause diabetes, a great menace of present age.It is in fact a disorder affecting the way of use of food and energy by our body.In fact undigested sugar is broken into other forms and stored as glucose in our body.This is done with the help of insulin, a hormone produced by pancreas.If this system do not function properly, glucose level in blood rises gradually creating multiple complications.Lack of physical exercise and tension of work and society in our mind are causes which further aggravate it.
It is estimated that diabetes is going to effect 366 million people worldwide by 2030 according to the WHO Report.Diabetes is leading cause of blindness, renal diseases and even death in the present world.
One can even live with diabetes without any side effect because it is a condition and not a disease in proper sense of term.One should not allow diseases to take control over the mind and life since it is related to body only.It should never be made an issue of mind.
Removal of fat from our diet in a gradual manner enables the body to avoid and fight diabetes eliminating the basic cause of energy transformation disorder.Simply avoiding the refined and processed food, restricting use of junk and packed food goes long way to avoid and control diabetes.Yoga, is a miracle cure for diabetes, Gomukh asana, Bhujanga asana, Hal asana, positive lifestyle and half an hour walk are sure to avoid and cure diabetes.Doing some yoga and being prepared to walk, laugh and love life is a concrete strategy against this menace, the real villain of our health.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In the past leading meant being out in front, having highest position, scoring goals, getting the most votes etc.But leadership is changing today.As per new concept of leadership, it is about people, internal motivation, striving for perfection, change, having confidence, growth, energy, creating positive experience, results, reducing fear and increasing hopes.Mandate of leadership is far wide in comparison to managers who accomplish only a certain task.
Leaders have to give results, they set strategy, motivate and create mission, they thus built culture.Leaders are effective when they are human and treat others as honourable human beings.They should avoid grudges and favourites.They should be honest in keeping words and lead by examples.Leaders should communicate very effectively and they should have vision to initiate action.Effective leaders take people along and develop people.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pull And Push Managers

Trust level in any team is high when communication is frank and open, members are mutually supportive when conditions become tuff, resources and knowledge is shared, confidentiality is maintained on personal level issues in the team, complaints are dealt positively and blaming is avoided.

Authority managers are called pull managers, they have following features:-
1.Authority based
2.Vested power
3.Tell oriented
4.Retain authority
5.Define limits
7.Restrict creating
8.One way communication
9.Personal distance
11.Task oriented
13.Demanding loyality

Leader Managers are push managers, they have following qualities:-
1.Influence based
2.Personal power
3.Ask oriented
4.Share authority
5.Expand limits
6.Rienforce things
7.Encourages creativity
8.Two way communication
9.Personal Interest
11.Human resource oreintation
13.Obtains commitment