Tuesday, November 10, 2015

We Are Not Luggage

 Rudile.J.Emir wrote that we stand inside our thoughts and emotions in our suits and wonder who we are?

     Our present age is characterised as age of crime, fear, violence, depression and tension. In this material  world we posses so many things but there is no self-possession.Perhaps there is every material security but no  spiritual security .This is what makes us insecure from the core. In this atmosphere we miss enduring values of  life and harmony.

     The only way out is sheddingoff these outer heavy structure which is irrelevant and useless. Finally we identify ourselves with this irrelevant outer structure which creates multiplicity of others problems in a very  complex manner. We should clearly analyse who we are and separate the things which make us recognized or  prominent. It is a kind of reversing culture which allows correct introspection of our material existence and get  rid of the fake body and luggage of popularity, reversing and losing it one by one.

Father Sun

             Sun is the real source of energy and existence, Sun is life giver. There is sun shine in all our food and meal tc, Even rain and wind are because of sun and presence of any material is not possible without sun shine.

              Sun flows unlimited energy on the planets which makes green cells of all the plants and small bios capable   of synthesizing starch and oxygen in presence of water and carbon di oxide present in the atmosphere, the  ultimate knowledge of BHAGWATGEETA was given to sunlord  generation before MAHABHARAT. Arjun was first recipients of their knowledge also known as litopanishad.