Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Science has discovered universe with more than hundred billion galaxies. There are more than one hundred billion stars in each galaxy. We see that universe is greater and more magnificent than every imagination and possible beliefs. It gives a glimpses of limitation of our mind and thinking mechanism. Doctors say 80% of diseases are psychosomatic. It is also proved by medical science that low carbohydrate diet for more than low fat diet improves cardiac system and reduces risk. Low carbohydrate diet reduces BP, improves HDL, LDL ratio and makes lipid profile better. There are no sure precautions and dull proof practices.

          If we live for God everything else will automatically follow. By simply meditating and offering fruits of our action to God, we start getting in rhyme with divine power and higher guidance's naturally start coming to us.


We should make best possible use of what we have. Self is to be understood analysed and transformed into self respect. Past experience and grandeur should be used as a lesson to learn. Present is to be oriented for maximum possible positively. We have to link our role with creativity and knowledge should be applied in very positive manner and all our actions should be respectful to others in the society and good to all living being.  

This transformation will gradually alter all systems of body and mind because every thing is changed by determination and all these systems are run by tacit commitments which will be purified by this transformation. It will lead to happiness, purity, love and peace.