Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Prayer has been used to relieve the tension and induce wholesome mental attitude in every part of the world. Prayer is a kind of honest confession and a valuable measure of life. It is not superstitious as many people think because, firstly the positive and wholesome thoughts tend to bring every wishful result, secondly every prayer is an autosuggestion which influences our mind and body profoundly. It also adds to our confidence and provides telepathic services which really bring in real harmony with cosmic energy and promotes wellness. It is most important benefit of prayer that it proves that a great protecting power is also there at your back and calls to guide and facilitate your honest calls. Following things enhance peace during prayer and make it better :-

1. Blue coloured background and walls
2. Insulation of seat, carpet or rug for sitting
3. Keeping fresh flower which invite lights from all the sides

We can add a few exercises for concentration. One is reading difficult and heavy books, rereading these texts and understanding then repeating hypothetically in our mind. Another good practices to concentrate on second needle or hand of a watch. Here we try to concentrate on the second needle only, reducing the wandering of thoughts.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lage raho

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