Wednesday, January 7, 2009


There is a visible world before our senses and invisible world of thoughts and emotions. The objective world has its reality and the subjective world has its own reality but by keen observation we start seeing the inner world of thoughts and emotions and soon realise that the two realities meet. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes impact us more deeply in comparison to the external realities. We have to observe in our day today life, how this inner reality functions.
Simply letting everything as it is,we find great space and peace of life, a new place where nothing ever happened. It is stage of a very deep and profound peace. If we let everything as it is, we need not wish to make a change or do something, then we are fascinated with the contents of our own mind, our likes, dislikes and even our worries. It will gradually slow down the mind and make it fall from centre of consciousness and a truly great space of infinite peace and joy is discovered. This is art of going within, where all the happiness is waiting for you.
The fundamental cause of misery in the world is the practice of seeking contentment outside, endless hunger of gratification outside ownself. If simply we can see the movement of mind, it will give deep peace, as if nothing ever happened. All the search of graticfication ends by seeing the mind from outside the mind.

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