Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Religion

Religion may not have any other goal except humanitarianism.Our material world in addition to things of present comprises of imaginations,shadows and vestigial of future as well as past.The moment we clearly decipher these things and become conscious of our origin, all the differences and diversions of interest and ego get extinguished and we realise the basis of oneness and ultimate oneness.
This oneness is in fast the only intellectual religion of humanity.It is the biggest religion, it is basis of all works of every religion which always should be humanitarian.This religion of humanity as it can be called was born in the eighteenth century, it resulted primarily in a novel fruit is humanism.It commands that everything in this world is worthy of respect and regard but mankind is essence and it should be worshipped.The welfare and progress of human life is only wise objective to be achieved in this universe and is the most pious goal we can ever have.This religion of humanity forbids war, capital punishment and cruelty of any kind by person, society or state.It is against oppression and exploitation.

1 comment:

डॉ. मनीष कुमार मिश्रा said...

आदरणीय चाचा जी,
टाइम्स आफ इंडिया में स्पीकिंग ट्री नाम से जो आलेख छपते हैं,उनमे और आप के विचारों में काफी समानता मिलती है. इतिहास और कानून का व्यक्ति आध्यात्म,दर्शन और साहित्य में इतनी गहरी पकड़ रखता है .यह देख के आश्चर्य और गर्व एक साथ होता है. इन दिनों मैं सत्य क्या है ? इस विषय पे आलेख जमा कर रहा हूँ.
आप से अनुरोध है KI आप
WHAT IS TRUTH ? इस विषय पे अपने २-३ पोस्ट लिखें .
सादर प्रणाम

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