Folks! Persistent succeeds where more talented fail. Make conscious choices and try to do it better. Little shots which keep on shooting make a bang. Carve opportunity from every change and take advantage of every adversity. Problems coming in our day to day life are synonyms of opportunity and development of personality. Feel free and strive for quality. Look your best take offs and taking home grounds, make a programme to change it into advantage. Take calculated risk and get out when it is good. We have different standard for our drawing room and roads because roads belong to everyone. Why, India that is Bharat? Why not one name? Till you are ashamed of cleaning you can never claim to be successor of Mahatma Gandhi.
Education imitates because it is guided by fear, all this conditions for unaware state of mind. Make your work a vehicle to realize this truth and inculcate habit of selfless work. We are programmed by our family and society to be confused on simple values and remain unhappy. It is also taught that happiness can be achieved. It is wrong because happiness and wellness is our real nature, thus never achievable.
Prudence also can not ensure infallible success because the day does not know what night has concealed. Fool is not always unfortunate nor the wise always successful but fools can not have thorough enjoyment in this world and wise can never be wholly unhappy. Success is a result of certain things and actions, a social creation but joy is eternal. Sacrifice everything except your family and don’t quit from the determined path, stretch your potential and capacity to its limits. Motivate every cell of your mind and body to hit this nectar called ‘joy’. There is a joy of work which underscores success and even happiness. Keep it up, happiness success and wellness will automatically follow.
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