It is said that we cannot pave roads for coming generation but tips to prepare road maps can be provided.It is not required to possess earth shaking talent,only love and commonsense is enough. All of us have capacity to handle whatever happens and every dedicated effort give wonderful access. One should always look forward and envision clear path and lead to build a healthy world where our spirit lifts us up to work for society,world peace and love. Each one of us is special and unconditionally loved. Start picking just one behaviour of your own that concerns the society and make a goal to tackle it in best possible manner.
Some tips are being narrated here-
* Do what is needed and do it without delay.
* Admit your mistakes and remember.
* Meet people with very clear purpose and have confidence,looking in the eyes and always say "please" as much as you can.
* Avoid action when you are angry.
* Bravery and credit card are used for convenience and never for demonstration and credit.
* Try to actualise hope of someone,never deprive anybody.
* Talk your mother and grand mother and thankfully quote them.
* Forgive and ignore,never expect life to be fair.
* Remember we regret in life not because of doing things,but because of not doing.
* Learn to say "no" politely.
People easily give way to anger and stress and retain it for a long time. Some give way to anger and their thoughts of anger as well as stress quickly pass away.Like water stream,all the abuses and gossips of the world should pass unnoticed so that our mind remain pure and undisturbed. This can be done by sincere practice.
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