To all my sons I ask one thing, "Have you ever pondered that everyone and all of us search only happiness that is anand." Intellect, experience, education, reasoning and imagination is right but real awareness and consciousness is above all and supreme.You have to take a voyage of experiencing the falling of seasonal leaves, rolling in air, dancing and flickering taking more rounds than really required to fall with gravity; it is expression of a mood i.e. happiness.
It is awareness which delimits our mind, it is the effacing, the quality of ultimate reality.It is whole never partial, only universal and never individual.
Living is a moment of happiness even if life is experience of an accident.A single falling leaf after maturity in the season is a symbol of life itself.A bright yellow leaf of banyan falling independently teaches us everything about life.
The moment we see this whole perspective and understand with every bit of it, we find that consciousness illuminates the world.It is there in every living being.It is corner stone of universal society.It requires a multimedia symbiosis where science and spirituality meet.There is no difference between one living being and another, the systems, biological formation, fundamentals of anatomy and psyche is the same.The love, hate, pain and pleasure are the same for all of us.Moving towards awareness and trying to understand consciousness thoroughly we will find most of happiness at the earliest.This is unfoldment of life.
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