Friday, December 17, 2010

A Foot Forward

Calmness maturing in mental solitude facilitates self realization because external distractions are gradually removed.This goes to drop the desires and wants from the world.This gradually moves you towards objective living and socialisation.We find in this manner that there is less and less involvement in the happenings of life.Finally we realize and start feeling that our happiness is not dependent on things going around us in particular way.
This is how we can shed off self centered relationship to life and start experiencing the ultimate nature of life.It is freedom from fundamental limitations and small tit-bits of life.This is a kind of great liberation in itself.It also paves way to exhibit the real evolutionary potential of the nature and life.Thus it gradually removes all inhibitions which may exhibit the ultimate reality of life.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


To all my sons I ask one thing, "Have you ever pondered that everyone and all of us search only happiness that is anand." Intellect, experience, education, reasoning and imagination is right but real awareness and consciousness is above all and supreme.You have to take a voyage of experiencing the falling of seasonal leaves, rolling in air, dancing and flickering taking more rounds than really required to fall with gravity; it is expression of a mood i.e. happiness.
It is awareness which delimits our mind, it is the effacing, the quality of ultimate reality.It is whole never partial, only universal and never individual.
Living is a moment of happiness even if life is experience of an accident.A single falling leaf after maturity in the season is a symbol of life itself.A bright yellow leaf of banyan falling independently teaches us everything about life.
The moment we see this whole perspective and understand with every bit of it, we find that consciousness illuminates the world.It is there in every living being.It is corner stone of universal society.It requires a multimedia symbiosis where science and spirituality meet.There is no difference between one living being and another, the systems, biological formation, fundamentals of anatomy and psyche is the same.The love, hate, pain and pleasure are the same for all of us.Moving towards awareness and trying to understand consciousness thoroughly we will find most of happiness at the earliest.This is unfoldment of life.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Urbancentric Development

History of democratic nations reveals that a great threat to democratic and federal forms of government is the elitist trend of urbanisation.In present urban centric developing nations like India, the powerful elites stop hearing the voice of the majority living in the villages.Urban centric development is a problem in many countries of world depending upon the distribution of the villages and scantiness of the population.
There was always a need to oppose this type of development every time in the history of nations but convenience of the players swayed the way and it was never opposed.Perhaps Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were the exceptions who opposed it time to time.
Administration and the power in the urban centric society remains centered in the cities and what so ever rules are made villages practically are neither contributing to it nor it reaches there.They really fail to derive any benefit out of these laws and schemes.The autonomy and economic independence of villages is ruined by urbanisation.The last fabric of this independence is also devastated by urban centric development.
Urban centric power tends to privatise the government work, finally it gets a high price tag and genuine works are delayed and denied.There are expectations before rendering services in the system which finally breed institutionalised corruption and negation of genuine developmental and democratic works.It generates a vicious circle in which rural population becomes dirt for so called urban and civilised society.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

On Happiness Of Life

If we ask a question from ourselves "what we want the most in life?" Whenever we get an answer it is always a one word answer "happiness", but what is happiness? whether it is good eating, good looking, good living, making headlines, running school of kids, inspiring scientific studies, laughter club or a joy logy workshop.Happiness simply makes us more productive, more attractive and more creative.It has always been emphasised that happiness is attitude and behavioural modifications can make us happier.But all this is not true, it is certainly a different way of life.
Lottery, bigger house, better job can bring only very trivial delight or momentary joy, of course engagement with family, passionate work and mixing with people, higher pursuits of life and spiritual values are better than the things narrated above: everything proved to be good and happiness giving should be continuously maintained and practised.We should also get rid of what makes us unhappy.What is energetic is also happiness giving, it should be maintained in our lifestyle.
Kindness, truthfulness, passionate communication, solving the problems of others and laughing loud are some harbingers of happiness.The moment you are happier you become a post of light and you emit much of happiness which makes everyone happy whoever comes in contact, counting our blessings, art and music culture and other joyful expressions and experiences of life make us happy.