Superimposition of non-self our self culminated by likes, dislikes and ego etc. is the real problem.Self is verily one and it can never have many parts but body is consisted of parts and cells of different type.Self and body never mingle and behave as one because of their contrasting nature.This feel of mingling and identification is ignorance and cause of bondage, worldly achievements and fulfillment of desires cause superlative perception of our self creating a mantle of ego which regularly creates pride and selfishness.
This is executed by a player called mind.Mind in fact alone is ignorance representing the darkness by itself, it is cause of bondage and it has to be destroyed.If positive motivation and thoughtfulness is practised and done gradually the whole phenomenal world is destroyed catching the mind in this manner.
If we seek result in our action, we unwillingly create energy of bad type and matter which turn things into manipulable objects, this goes to create further bondages.Gradually things turn into apparatus and our self and everything in this world operates as manipulable objects only.This is how we are bound to space and earthiness and finally accept the world which is false and even the Self is denied in this process, which is the only reality.Self is only to be evident and then ego will die.As soon as the result becomes immaterial for us, bondage will be extinguished.This bondage in fact is a farce which never existed.
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