Sunday, August 16, 2009

Swine Flu

Swine Flu prevailing today is a disease of respiratory system of humans, birds and pigs. It is caused by stain called H1N1. It is spread by breathing, nose and mouth discharges as well as moist air which stick to recipients or hard objects around us which if touched propagates it. It is very slow and mild infection and a good body resistances can automatically fight and cure it. Risk of this infection is much more in case of people already suffering with Parkinson, sclerosis or having kidney, heart or lung diseases. Pregnant woman are more at risk because their immune system is weak. Malnourished children are at a very high risk in case of every flu infection.
Use of turmeric powder, clove, black pepper, basil leaves and camphor are best ante-dotes and remedies for these infections. Basic precautions of hygiene and checking the propagation like covering our nose and mouth, washing hand and using clean hanky and tissue effectively reduce the risk of swine flu.
Events of cough and cold sneezing or difficulty in breathing specially when accomplished with fever are alarming symptoms which require immediate medical advice.
One can visit, swine flu section.
The popularized medicine of swine flu, tamiflu has side effects in children. It should never be taken as overdose. Regular haemoglobin and blood test is also very helpful and hot soup, spirulina, lemon and garlic in diet will multiply good results against swine flu.

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