Our body is made up of matter and comprised of physical organs including brain and nerves. Body is simply assemblage of equipments and instruments used by the inner person, the conscient entity, the metaphysical or spiritual being which also thinks and has emotions. Brain is only a mechanism of it. Certain factors in the process of living and day to day life silently motivate and illusion this conscient to identify itself with brain and body. This is a tragedy that the spiritual entity wrongly believes itself to be gross and physical in nature. The integral is cut into pieces by mind therefore exhibits multiplicity in this world. This is what makes the naturally evident unity and harmony prima-facie non-believable. These things pollute our conduct as well as behavior and is root cause of peacelessness which is to be reversed gradually and unlimited peace, happiness and wellness is to be redeemed. Rest can be really achieved by managing happiness.
Happiness is a state of mind and it is a practiced trait, it is a type of mood which comes and goes with intervals of time but feeling secure and wishful encourages it. Happiness is a feeling of wellbeing: once the optimism and hope is enhanced in such a way that it outweighs the unpleasant and boring, only happiness remains as a result of it.
Choices if available may help us in being happy but this is most of the time momentary, in comparison to the warmness of relations. If one has relationship which is really warm and satisfying it enhances chances of happiness in multiple ways. Families which welcome friends are always happier. We should have enough to provide for basic need and feel content with what we have. Balanced family life is a great source of potentials of happiness.
Prayer, meditation, singing with others or choir, the belly laughing, friendship and making love are potential immunity enhancers which also equip us to maintain happy state of mind in general.
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