Charity is flow of required things and objects from haves to havenots. It is a social service of poor and deserving people. Ideal of charity is depicted in giving away the last bit of bread even if you are starving. It is a great purity of action and self control. It is practice of universal love and benevolence. It is also prescribed that only the best should be given in charity. While practicing charity we defy ownership of wealth and dilate our own ego which leads to eternal peace. Prayer and worship direct us towards supereme wellness and ultimate abode but charity procures the seat and space for you there. All good works and services have ingredients of charity, if nothing is being expected in return, not even publicity and appreciation. To be kind and forgiving is also charity. It is a great charity to pray and educate for wellness and welfare of people as well as impart education and moral support.
Life with mission of charity becomes a purposeful pilgrimage waking love and grace. These lend a unique charm to life and render it meaningful. Charity always witnesses the joy and peace of sharing and goes to generate cosmic love. It paves unity and wellness in multiple ways.
Does the deed we do to make myself feel good, or lets say when i do a charity with the greed of getting happiness/satisfaction in return, is it still a charity, will it still lead to wellness, and how does charity paves Unity?
What so ever we do without an expectation of return lacks consideration and becomes charity only being qualitative,thus every good work is a charity.It is true that even if you do something without expectation and feel good later on may encourage you to repeat such work again but charity requires that there should not be any expectation.
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