Concept of life force and consciousness is the basis of life. Using this consciousness one can effectively ease the basic discomfort of physical body. We can manage wellness or even miraculously provide relief to some ailing person. Certainity of consciousness in this world can be utilized against every uncertainity and discomfort of life.
Simply sitting in a comfortable posture with straight spine, closing eyes , being aware and bowing before unity of the universe and creative process, concentrate few inches above your head, on the whirl of light above the middle point of forehead. Now concentrate on the light white colour on the chest, slightly left to the middle of chest. Breathing very slowly think this light gradually rising upward and crossing the forehead and merging going 10-12 inches above and gradually getting violet. Till there is a physical discomfort one can concentrate like this and get best possible self healing results. After asking reverently from the enlightened point come back on the middle of forehead and realize the physical form and physical body, washing every part of the body and body cells with violet coloured light. You can give more time to the ailing parts and wish any kind of improvement. This can be used after repeated practice for any wishful results and wellness.
1 comment:
great blog and complete intellectual knowledge of mental and physical wellness...
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