Thursday, January 29, 2009

Body of Wellness

We have observed that some power of us remains conscious and waking even when physical system of our body stops working. Our consciousness remains alert when we go in deep sleep. We identify knowledge generally with physical pain because of body consciousness and truly forget that most of our organs operate automatically and mind has no control on them. We can easily decipher when sitting that while setting peacefully for prayer backache hurts us, our whole awareness becomes locked in contemplation of our discomfort. Whenever we are deeply absorbed in some activity of our liking or go for sleep what is left is only bodiless awareness. To a great extent all our weaknesses and pains are because of the attachment to the body.
Wellness depends on our own attitude towards the body. It is made up of many sheaths and all of them taken together constitute the body of livingbeing. The first sheath is apparent one, the food sheath the outer part and the physical being. Second is sheath of psychic energy or vital force which keeps all the organs functioning. The third sheath, the mental is subtle, this is arena of feelings and thoughts. Positivity of catalyses everything good and even every cure of mind and body. Similarly negatively of this sheath breeds misery and diseases. Still subtler is intellectual sheath which controls decision making and discriminatory faculties of our personality. Highest is the sheath of bliss which is really very hard to recognize. It is in fact pure wellbeing, the stage of wellness, a complete relaxation like deep energetic sleep.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Self Control

Our mind is always busy receiving information through sense organs and can never dissociate from this never ending stimuli of senses. Practicing stagewise self control we can reverse this unending process. A righteous person in the first stage tries to control his senses while operating in the world and deny being acted upon by anything outside, whatsoever. Next stage is gradual withdrawal of sense organs from the objects. Self control in simple words is preventing all parts of body and mind from taking to harmful and evil ways. Only a fair and impartial person can practice it, one who is not swayed by enmity, neutrality and even friendship. In fact self control is being fair and impartial to your ownself as an object.

It is said that good conduct and forbearance should be practiced towards even wicked and sinful. Only people with ample self control can practice it. We should also control the anger in provocative circumstances and remain at peace with others as well as ourselves, since all the anger arises from falsehood and ego.

Real self control is to avoid performing harmful deeds to others for any personal gain or malice. It paves the path of prevention of desires, which are real hurdles in the path of wellness.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Body Matters

Do we really know the depth hidden in our body, usually we live unaware of its mystery. Our body is a microcosm of the whole creation, though simply it looks like a container of our true self. It begins to die the moment we are born. A Thorn or an invading organism might kill it but whether it is simply a cage of blood, flesh and bones. Only in this body we can experience love and know the truth. Our body planting good actions, becomes a productive field otherwise, it is a mere collection of dying matter and garbage. We can make it special purpose vehicle for our destiny and a great life. Certainly what ever we please can be created in it subject to growth and maturity.
All the differences, ugliness or imperfections of the body are superficial if one is going to use it for love and truth for which we all are born. We have to understand the body and all its rhymes and develop a desireless friendship with our body. Regular work, punctuality, discipline, right work, right food and sufficient relaxation maintain it in the best of spirits and make it capable of radiating the inner love.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Waking Consciousness for Wellness

The world is as we see it. When you start affirming consciousness and believing wellness the world for you changes accordingly and your own reality starts taking shape. This is a great invitation for change and a fresh start in the direction of hope. Yes, we can change our life by simply changing the attitude of our mind.

Material-bound mind lives in the atmosphere of deprivation and wants of different type, unconsciously repeating the negative thoughts and messages ; going chronic all this gradually leads to hopelessness and helplessness. It even weakens our immune system and leads to illnesses.

All this is to be reversed for wellness, breaking the outer bark which is worse than the inner simplicity. Using affirmation, mind can be transformed and negative thoughts can be metamorphosed into positive qualities. Hope and love if consciously repeated, may lead to inner smile and finally spontaneous joy. This is how creativity and healing come up and take charge of life simply by awakening of consciousness. It is just like waking the snake and make it dance. Roots of this truth are already there in the old symbol of medical practices of the world- the two coiled snakes, creativity and healing, coming up and dancing making helix of wellness.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

We should never forget good things done by others. Gratitude is the foremost in gradient of righteousness and ingratitude is more than a sin. Voluntary, timely and motiveless help rendered by someone should be remembered and wrongs if any done by others should be forgotten. To serve the parents with best of one’s capacity is the most important aspect of our life and first sense of practical gratitude. Heaven and earth can’t repay the help rendered by persons who are not under prior obligation to do such services. True teachers and redeemers of our society shower causeless mercy on their beneficiaries which can’t be repaid in any manner. Any help rendered can never be measured in terms of material: lack of wishes of returns or lack of aspiration of the doer makes it really divine. Confucius said, “forget injuries, never forget kindness”.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Operating by Love

Our life has become a rat race of doing the most and the best. We control life to achieve these desired results which kills life and wellness in due course of time. Only by defying need of this control we are set free to march in a direction we are really designed in the total creative process of the universe. The so-called systematic people divide their large goals in phases and steps, then start chasing there steps separately with all their might. This creates a system of linear multiple point chasing which continuously operates in our mind. Whether you succeed in it or fail it generates enormous tension in the process of execution.
In fact we operate by expectations and services, not by love. Side stepping our expectations we should learn the art of operating from love. Even if you expect and require services, have faith in the power of love and depend upon it. An expectation packed egoist destroys the objects he appreciate because he acts against individuality of others and all these objects.
If we change ourself and start operating by love we gradually change everything we love by this power of love and start a chain of purification completely get rid of deluded mind which attaches false value to the objects of the world.

Inventing Singular Creator

The order displayed in the world understood by analytical mind calls for divine but when we suffer without no fault of ours (and compare with good fortunes of bad people) we disbelieve the singular creator as he can only be comforter not inflictor of suffering and like sun when he shines he will definitely shine for everyone and can not be hidden long like truth.
Let us count and celebrate everything we have been given by the creator of the world.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Apply Consciousness

Concept of life force and consciousness is the basis of life. Using this consciousness one can effectively ease the basic discomfort of physical body. We can manage wellness or even miraculously provide relief to some ailing person. Certainity of consciousness in this world can be utilized against every uncertainity and discomfort of life.
Simply sitting in a comfortable posture with straight spine, closing eyes , being aware and bowing before unity of the universe and creative process, concentrate few inches above your head, on the whirl of light above the middle point of forehead. Now concentrate on the light white colour on the chest, slightly left to the middle of chest. Breathing very slowly think this light gradually rising upward and crossing the forehead and merging going 10-12 inches above and gradually getting violet. Till there is a physical discomfort one can concentrate like this and get best possible self healing results. After asking reverently from the enlightened point come back on the middle of forehead and realize the physical form and physical body, washing every part of the body and body cells with violet coloured light. You can give more time to the ailing parts and wish any kind of improvement. This can be used after repeated practice for any wishful results and wellness.

Economy of Life

Always do what is natural to you. You get best results by this because all of us are separate talent and outstanding in features. Imitation and opposition is only wastage of time, even if you succeed by these things you become a house of problems and faults. We should practically concentrate on the points given below:-
1. Stop requiring external approvals and enjoy every moment and opportunity with fullness as far as possible.
2. Repeatedly think that world is a nightmare, a dream mistaken for reality.
3. Listen to your body wisdom which expresses in the form of comfort and discomfort at moments.
4. Shed the burden of judgement and management, as you are not general manager of the universe or arbitrator of the whole world.
5. What you most love is what you wish in yourself, what you most hate is what you most deny in yourself; instead of hate and fear motivated behaviour have only love motivated behaviour.
6. Try to remain silent and avoid reaction. It will ease you and avoid fight with your own self.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Work Hard

If you take a long walk and lie down you enjoy good sleep and if you observe fast and take same cereals at the end of it, you enjoy very sound and peaceful sleep. It is said, only productive can be happy, similarly sleep and peace is privlage of hardworking people. Creativity and consciousness is spirit and work is the real form of life in this universe.
Sacrifice and tolerance are the real knowledge and wisdom which finally give contentment, sense of satisfaction and peace. By observing these virtues, one can see everything in even nothing. It paves the ultimate knowledge and wellness by sustained and gradual practice .

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


There is a visible world before our senses and invisible world of thoughts and emotions. The objective world has its reality and the subjective world has its own reality but by keen observation we start seeing the inner world of thoughts and emotions and soon realise that the two realities meet. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes impact us more deeply in comparison to the external realities. We have to observe in our day today life, how this inner reality functions.
Simply letting everything as it is,we find great space and peace of life, a new place where nothing ever happened. It is stage of a very deep and profound peace. If we let everything as it is, we need not wish to make a change or do something, then we are fascinated with the contents of our own mind, our likes, dislikes and even our worries. It will gradually slow down the mind and make it fall from centre of consciousness and a truly great space of infinite peace and joy is discovered. This is art of going within, where all the happiness is waiting for you.
The fundamental cause of misery in the world is the practice of seeking contentment outside, endless hunger of gratification outside ownself. If simply we can see the movement of mind, it will give deep peace, as if nothing ever happened. All the search of graticfication ends by seeing the mind from outside the mind.


Our life functions in organic connectivity, we all are one and our life is a network of wellness. There is one tree of life we are all leaves of it, one in function as well as features. All divisions are manmade-religion, race and nation etc. Those who are thoughtful and meditate know that there exists no divisions, functions and fractions. Any division is product of underdeveloped heart and overdeveloped head and most of the time it is only momentary. Grass and trees, wind and waves, birds and beasts all sing, smile and laugh. Join in the chorus and do what whole nature does. By simply doing what is natural to us we get best results of life.
Come and join the indefinable process of self cleansing – the deep dive of Wellness. It is a purifying knowledge for our present mess and by continuous processing finally liberates the original elementout of this bondage after intense inner transformation.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Original You, Only Happiness

If we are deeply indentified with matter there is no chance of thinking clearly. All of us were simply happy when we were child, even without delivering or doing anything. We have lost this because we got involved deeply and finally indentified with many things around us, our mind and body etc.

Mind is very peculiar stuff which have been picked up from social interactions and situations. It always depends on the kind of society and exposure of the individual. Everything in our mind is something picked up from outside at some point of time. The root of misery is getting indentified with all this fakeness. Similarly body is picked from earth, water, air and fire etc. The baby takes milk, cereals, vegetable and flesh adding all this to his body and goes on growing. Instead of using this body for something better, we get identified with it. Start discounting what you are not and gradually de-identify yourself. What is left in this process is original you i.e. happiness.

Truth and Simplicity

Things exist only as they really are, but everything is projected, misrepresented and mutilated in so many ways by all of us. Unless we are simple, the outer and inner lives don’t coincide. It is only absence of duality and does not make us backward or unimpressive in any way. We should see things as they are and present them without addition, subtraction, tinting or colouring. The worldly-wise and successful materialist people are experts in distorting the facts to impress others. Insistence of simplicity is a must for peaceful living, eased mind and it increases awareness in our lives.

Delve deep into the truth, accept only those that appeal to reason and logic. Apply these findings to practical living. Going on adopting this process and system finally intellect is built. This allows right choice of action and has capacity to pave the path of Ultimate Wellness.

those that appeal to reason and logic. Apply these findings to practical living. Going on adopting this process and system finally intellect is built. This allows right choice of action and has capacity to pave the path of Ultimate Wellness.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Consciousness, the Creative Vibration

The universe is simulation of creative vibration, the consciousness. We experience the world as projection because all forms of life and each of us are centers of this consciousness. As we all know the best things of life are free and abundant given by nature, it proves the unified management of the world. This one and unified world with consciousness as its core is fragmented by our own mind and overactive ego which exhibits multiplicity.
Consciousness is source of everything and nothing but only creative vibration has existence in this world. This state of unity has network of consciousness which exists outside temples, organized religions, scriptures and spiritual literature as well. The solitude loving mind that wants nothing from the world and the unattached living takes us towards wellness increasing the light of consciousness. Cessation of individuality, fasting, forgiveness, seclusion and retrospection help to enhance the creative vibration.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What is Mental and Physical Wellness

Mad race of present life is brutalizing the world and setting the Trend and Process of our lives. Every aspect of violent modern life unsettles our mind and makes us insensitive.

This turbulence, is to be replaced by calmness, racing mind by higher consciousness, doubts by peace and worldly engagements by detachment. Nature, in all its mood and manifestation, represents harmony and joy. Harmony in our life is only possible if concept and action flow as one. Wellness aims to harmonize with nature and other living beings, finally realizing that, everything in the cosmos is our teacher.

Ultimate wellness can only ensure creative use of energy in totality, the real fulfillment of human life. It is a pursuit in the search of cosmic awareness, the true human identity, since, World is the only home, we can share and care, and Peace is the only meaningful conduct.

Wellness of mind is unique, which is contaminated when we define it because mind is void and void is eternal. It is for own good, and good of the society, originating from real symbiosis between the inner and outer. It aims to be at ease, with yourself and others around you, perhaps all the aspects and creation of the nature.