Monday, September 30, 2024

Everyday Prescription

Wake up, feel your nostril, keep your same foot down with a  little pressure and walk twenty steps.              Stretch upwards with both hands up twice and bend in all directions slowly as for as you can.                      Take a glass of water, go to toilet and brush teeth.                                                                                             Massage with sesame oil, exercise, do Surya Namaskar ,Yoga , Pranayam and Meditation.                           Please take good walk for  at least twenty minutes and a very rich breakfast.                                                                                                         

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Devine Power

The demon Mahishasur obtains boon that no one no man can kill him, believes that he is immortal but in a fierce battle  and Mother Durga slays him. The arrogance and the dismissal of the  forces and sense of securing nature, lust and greed. Honour of the women as Goddess is the reminding message of Navratri.


The important message of Indian tradition that we can share with the rest of world is gratefulness and productive use of energy.  Indian ancient belief that tradition are stronger indicator of ecological ethics and wellbeing. People generally equate happiness with small gratification of their needs and desiring more
and more one thing to another.Money as we know is also important because we can buy so much by this. When happiness is hedonia that is pleasure a good meal or cinema can serve it.Endamonia is another which is like a concept of human and social flourishing and satisfaction. In hedonia based assessment India is at 136 but Denmark and Netherland are in top 5. It proves that pleasure and happiness are different.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Reaching God

The seed of God is present in us all.We can realise our full potential by leading pure life and performing regular contact with this,
 over a period of time.All trees are there in the small seed or even a bunch of cell,this is why God the one and indivisible appears as many because of the seeds present in all of us.The two aspects of God,the immanent and  transcendent though seam opposed to each other are two sides of the same coin. In final stage of meditation, Nirvikalp Samadhi  selfishness which separates us from the supreme is erradicated, this is discovery of self in the depth of our consciousness. This is where we see the face behind all faces and ultimate cause behind all phenomenal existence. We have to know ourselves first for knowing God going to the depth of soul, the secret roots.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Mother Nature

There is a link between environment,our        wellbeing and future of humanity as well as universe.Our action and planning should not break this link otherwise our great grand children might ask," You greedy of materials and development know,this will happen but failed to stop the ruin". Nature they say including our sky is resilient thus we can still riverse some of the damages inflicted on our precious planet. If we fail to take decisive ction in next 5 to 10 years, the damage will multiply so fast that it will no more remain attendable and doom perhaps will be the only result.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

On Yoga

Yoga believes that God exist as highest self.God of Shankhya and Upanishad comprises of theoretical knowledge, as their God is a postulate, a multiple time proved theory. He is supreme ruler, creator, sustainer and anihilater aswell. Patanjalis God is Ishwar who is untouched by ignorance and not subject to Karma or  Sanskar. Patanjali established that man can take refuse in God and any liberation cannot make him Brahma or one with him. He, Ishwar is graceful  and by sustained devotion samadhi is achieved. In fact until the liberation moment is reached Brahma cannot be known but one can imagine Ishwar. Yoga teaches us to know and not believe as it is pure science.

Friday, February 24, 2023

The Lession of KOSHAS

First  among the koshas is layer of mind i.e. like a very eminent plantain flower,proving that every object of creation emanates from vibrations.If we unify all the capacity of sensory and motor organs including the mind with the universal rhymes i,e. collective vibration or proper rhyme,it will be a new  identity which can be called the high universal rhyme.
The undoing of our Chitta and mind can certainly do it and it is a vacation of preoccupied mind. if in this manner our small I ness is converted and transformed into a larger or rather the largest I ness...
It is  unending flow of bliss...