Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bhagwat Gita Simplified

                                 Bhagwat Gita the ancient Indian book of wisdom and life essence ,contains the highest esoteric doctrines.It is also considered as the the excavated  nector of Upanishads and other scriptures.It has been established in Gita that the unreal has no existance, and the real never ceases to be.The reality of both has thus been percieved by the seers of sato vidyate bhawah na bhavo vidyate satah.                                                                                                                                                                                Thus one should analyse his daily mental and physical work as well as actions to decide just how much of his life is really ruled by ignorance and  sleep caused by ego and body consciousness and how much he goes to express the devine nature and wisdom of soul.                                                           Practically the human consciousness is to be displaced by consciousness of the soul.This is most important teaching of Gita.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Grandparent`s Teach

                           Return money or anything you have taken from someone before asking or reminding .It shows your high moral and character and also proves your integrity.Never return or get upgraded the gifts given by someone.                                                                                                                                                    Never order expensive dish or things on celebration dinner or complimentary shopping, ask and honour their choices.Never ask awkward questions like why are you not married or why dont you buy a car etc.                                                                                                                                                  Always open the door for the person behind you. Never call someone repeatedly in continuation, he might be busy.Respect differances of opinion, try honestly to appreciate the view and logic of others and never interrupt while presenting, stop teasing if someone does not enjoy it.Please treat cleaner with the same respect and warmth as CEO of the company and always praise people publically and criticise them privately.                                                                                                                                  Never give advice until you are asked and always mind purely your business.                             

Nature Teaches

                            The air which by getting in abundance we find is greatest priority and endowment of mother nature to us is throne out of our body by our breathing machine in less than a minute.                                        Similarly the second priority of nature i e water after the intake is ousted out of our system within  maximum six hours,else we may fall ill.                                                                                                        In the same manner what soever is consumed by us  as food whether it is solid or semisolid is also throne out of our body system within twentyfour hours.If retained more it becomes toxin in due cource and causes illness.                                                                                                                                   All our negative emotions, anger, jealousy,hatred and thought waves of our ego as well as self esteam remain in our mind and body for many months and years,some enemities continue for many generations.These negative objects of our life cause psycho somatic diseases in long run and make us suffer in manifold ways.Thoughtful activation of positivity and generous good done to the people and others, coupled with prayer and meditation can only disolve these potent causes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Glorious AUM

                  Aum is very very efficacious,bright,glorious and so comprehensive........An important Hindu scripture Vaishampayana Samhita says that even if one has transgressed all the possible laws of morality and religions and indulges in all sorts of sin,he can also be liberated without any traces of doubt by the utterance of the name of God ,that is AUM ,the oldest and most powerful name of Hari the Ultimate Reality.Meaning of the word Hari is one who steals the heart of Yogis  i e  devotees of excellence in work.The utterance of pious name of God destroys all type of sins just like purity of fire burns even inadvertent person or things.                                                                                                                                               AUM or OUM is simply the name of ultimate truth and reality,the absolute truth ,we may say it God,Ishwar,Allah, Brahma,Ahoba or any other name what so ever..