Monday, October 28, 2019

The Environment

                    Our environment is supplier of our life needs.From prehistoric period we know that environment changed all the things which were important to us.People migrated as the polar ice retreated or advanced.The crops are adjusted and changed when rain patterns get altered.These challenges intimidate human fitness and well being,changed the profile of resources and infrastructure.People sometimes are hit so badly that their income and employment is disrupted it,specially in poor and marginalized areas. In fact environmental inequities are social inequities with serious implications on social justice.                                                                                                                             The health risk caused by climate changes include the direct,indirect,difused and delayed effects.There are heat waves,altered exposures to infectious diseases and frequent natural disasters.Now they are affecting even the creativity,skill,research,policy analysis and stakeholders of different type.                                                                                                                                                                 We need to wakeup to this danger and reduce disruption as well as possible and make preparations even for unavoidable environmental changes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bhagwat Gita Simplified

                                 Bhagwat Gita the ancient Indian book of wisdom and life essence ,contains the highest esoteric doctrines.It is also considered as the the excavated  nector of Upanishads and other scriptures.It has been established in Gita that the unreal has no existance, and the real never ceases to be.The reality of both has thus been percieved by the seers of sato vidyate bhawah na bhavo vidyate satah.                                                                                                                                                                                Thus one should analyse his daily mental and physical work as well as actions to decide just how much of his life is really ruled by ignorance and  sleep caused by ego and body consciousness and how much he goes to express the devine nature and wisdom of soul.                                                           Practically the human consciousness is to be displaced by consciousness of the soul.This is most important teaching of Gita.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Grandparent`s Teach

                           Return money or anything you have taken from someone before asking or reminding .It shows your high moral and character and also proves your integrity.Never return or get upgraded the gifts given by someone.                                                                                                                                                    Never order expensive dish or things on celebration dinner or complimentary shopping, ask and honour their choices.Never ask awkward questions like why are you not married or why dont you buy a car etc.                                                                                                                                                  Always open the door for the person behind you. Never call someone repeatedly in continuation, he might be busy.Respect differances of opinion, try honestly to appreciate the view and logic of others and never interrupt while presenting, stop teasing if someone does not enjoy it.Please treat cleaner with the same respect and warmth as CEO of the company and always praise people publically and criticise them privately.                                                                                                                                  Never give advice until you are asked and always mind purely your business.                             

Nature Teaches

                            The air which by getting in abundance we find is greatest priority and endowment of mother nature to us is throne out of our body by our breathing machine in less than a minute.                                        Similarly the second priority of nature i e water after the intake is ousted out of our system within  maximum six hours,else we may fall ill.                                                                                                        In the same manner what soever is consumed by us  as food whether it is solid or semisolid is also throne out of our body system within twentyfour hours.If retained more it becomes toxin in due cource and causes illness.                                                                                                                                   All our negative emotions, anger, jealousy,hatred and thought waves of our ego as well as self esteam remain in our mind and body for many months and years,some enemities continue for many generations.These negative objects of our life cause psycho somatic diseases in long run and make us suffer in manifold ways.Thoughtful activation of positivity and generous good done to the people and others, coupled with prayer and meditation can only disolve these potent causes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Glorious AUM

                  Aum is very very efficacious,bright,glorious and so comprehensive........An important Hindu scripture Vaishampayana Samhita says that even if one has transgressed all the possible laws of morality and religions and indulges in all sorts of sin,he can also be liberated without any traces of doubt by the utterance of the name of God ,that is AUM ,the oldest and most powerful name of Hari the Ultimate Reality.Meaning of the word Hari is one who steals the heart of Yogis  i e  devotees of excellence in work.The utterance of pious name of God destroys all type of sins just like purity of fire burns even inadvertent person or things.                                                                                                                                               AUM or OUM is simply the name of ultimate truth and reality,the absolute truth ,we may say it God,Ishwar,Allah, Brahma,Ahoba or any other name what so ever..   

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Spiritual Things De Stress

Our connectedness and emotional stability increases simply by being religious.A study shows that even heterodox and non religious people also get a better mental stability and feal some transendence when enter the field of emotions, which is very good for them.Every spiritual experience in our lives shows a seed of gradual transformation and is helpful for our brain.It is revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging that it goes to make particular part of brain less active.It enlives the brain for sometimes adding to its calmness,this imroves deeper functions of brain and improves connectedness with ultimate reality or natural pleasure.This is a very natural and very profound way to de stress our minds.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pranav The Aum

                  The journy of '" pranav" the great mantra " aum "is a gentle progression of human doership, that is oneself to God.It gradually makes us capable of knowing and being yourself.This yourself is same in quality and spirit  if compared with Ultimate Reality                                                                   'Pranav is root of cosmic power.It is a bridge between individual and ' brahma'.Aum or Om is conditional Brahma,all that is past, present and future is Aum,Aum is final matrix of every type of sound and even ultrasonic waves.                                                                                                                       It is Sagun,Nirgun and even Beej Akshar,it is certainly the highest symbol of Ultimate Reality and divinity.Hindu scriptures narrate that a very simple path of spirituality is to concentrate and meditate with the help of Aum on the self.

Commune with yourself

It is taught that praises and honor should not make us vain and similarly criticism should not provoke us. Islam teaches that we should honestly commune with God about mystery of creation and appreciate the reflections of reality. We should regularly commune for our own assessment too. Every religion of the world teaches us to be moderate and expects us to follow justice in all the conditions of happiness, anger and pain.
If we commune regularly with ourselves and analyze our day to day conduct and way of thinking, we find that thinking and identifying mind is the same and this is akin to ego. If we simply question, who feels pain or pleasure and who wants to know all this; gradually we start getting answers. When we go on analyzing in this manner we find that our own identity starts changing and a different development takes place. This altogether changes the way of looking at things for us and goes on helping us in perceiving the reality.
There should be regular and thoughtful analysis of our own conduct deciphering what we do for being respected in the society and what changes we make in ourselves and our behavior, to be liked by others. We find in our day to day life that we gradually become captive of the desire of being liked. We have to sacrifice so many things in this pursuit of life including our self-respects and this gradually makes us a part of mad race of this world.

The Sun God

 Sun is the real source of energy and existance, Sun is life giver. There is sun shine in all our food and meal etc, Even rain and wind are because of sun and prescence of any material is not possible without sun shine.

                 Sun flows unlimited energy on the planets which makes green cells of all the plants and small bios capable of synthesizing starch and oxygen in prescence of water and carbon di oxide present in the atmosphere, the ulimate knowledge of BHAGWATGEETA was given to sunlord  generations before MAHABHARAT. Arjun was first recipients  of this knowledge the new and most awesome upanishad.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The New World

                    This is accepted as well as accomplished fact that people in the present world live much longer, they are more co-operative, happy and prosperous. They are morally aware, have quality of independent decisions and initiative. They have more access to knowledge than ever before.
                                  Whats app media is a fast growing educational system of people. It operates as worlds's most trusted news source and even real truth about everything people are interested in.
                                    Someone concluded that whats app hit our sweet spot. We not only feel equally empowered but also we come across the real power of number and source of power that is people. Some people certainly waste this power sending only roses or good morning messages. Forwarding is an irresistible itch, what people think initially correct they liberally forward it to others. Now new laws are being made against such forwarding so that bogus matter is not circulated anymore. All said and done this is real source of power of the new system.
                                    It is sure if it continues after sometime only those who want to say something will exist and there will nobody to hear them.

Sun: The God Healer

                              Sunlight, it has been found by physician Dr. Zane Kine given with specially whole food diet gradually cures cancer. In cases of initial illness it goes to reverse cancer and many other serious ailments.
                              As a source of Vitamin D which is very important for Calcium absorption and use of  Calcium Phosphorus and many other important elements. Sunlight cures all types of  problem of bones including Osteoporosis and acts as a foremost medicine against depression and anxiety. It helps growing babies, affect tallness and general health of kids.
                                  Sunlight kills germs and bacteria, it removes psoriasis, acne and fungal infections in natural way. Sunlight taken regularly penetrates into the skin and cleans blood vessels. It lowers blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol too.