Thursday, October 18, 2018

Navratri And Durgapooja

               Navratri and Durgapooja are celebrated in the continent since Harappan Period or even before when Devi Shukta was composed, which is a very important part of RgVeda.Navratri is celebrated in various parts of the world with slight modification every year during autumn.This festival is held in honor of Goddess followed by Durgapooja and Dassehra i.e. Vijai Dashmi.                              Goddess Durga is fortress of protection as well as liberation who cuts our baggage, with her ten energetic hands and finally dissolves the ego revealing the cosmic force of creation.Nine days of  the celebration is actually divided in three parts ,allocating three days to each Goddess, Durga the embodiment of power,Laxmi , the Goddess of prosperity, stands for the inner wealth,,  character and  virtues. The third part of celebration is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati who represents the real understanding of truth.Thus during this great celebration imbibing the Goddesses and meditating on their feature we gradually destroy our ego and remove our baggage and thus cleanse our self.                                It goes to start our journey of salvation in a very effective way.