Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lord Ganesh :World Perspective

Lord Ganesh of Indian mythology is universally known as a very spiritual deity and emblem of goodness.He is known as God  "Kangitan ",meaning a great harbinger of  happiness in the history of  Japan where there are more than 200 temples of Lord Ganesh .Irish believed in Ganesh who is depicted on their entrances and gates of complexes.He is also the one popular deity of the Silicon Valley.
Statue of Lord Ganesh is found in Sri Lanka, Nepal,Thailand,Combodia,China,Mangolia,Indonesia,Morrocco,LatinAmerica,Vietnam,Iran,Afghanistan and Myanmar.He is the most popular God of ancient Central Asia.
Idols and paintings of Ganesh are kept in France ,U K,Germany and Switzerland.Romans worshiped Lord Ganesh as project starting God.Lord Vinayak is seen on Greek coins and Indonesian currency as well as promissory notes.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Opportunity Not Time

We wrongly think that we have got time and want to start after some time but infact what we have is opportunity only,which if seen and dealt properly, is translated into achievement . In fact what happens is least important but how you react is very important because that is what you can make use and start efforts after rightly knowing where and how to make it or finally we will be responsible for the whole thing.They say work on best  available knowledge and expertise,good will automatically follow.                                                                                                                                                         Your words are heard and not your thought.Think good and speak better and work at your very best.All of us  are going to die but when, it is not known.So take every day as a novel gift.Your deer-ones,your heroes and even the most powerful like Ravan and Kamsha  of Indian mythology die. It is as sure as death is the real axiam and all your achievements,skill and talent are irrelevant on the deathbed.He grants quality of life and death separately.                                                                            All the material wealth of the world is not going to make you happy or a better person instead it will kill your potential  of happiness and peaceful living providing tension and eat the available time and energy which could have been used for better things.                                                                              Time is most valuable asset and even pleasure is a kind of self mortification because naturally what is not dissolved in our mouth can never make the taste felt.Find happiness and get it fastly, the best way is to give time rather donate time when there is opportunity,the time or nature gives you.                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Abode of God

God is a verb, he is not only the creator but also an ongoing unfolding of creation itself. Nothing can be out of this unified unfolding. In fact nothing is separate from God not even the path of seeker which is also its integral part. All the religions of the world are mere beliefs of the cosmic spirit. The dogmatic parts of religion are made up of rituals, rules and regulations. The spiritual part of religion elevates and feed the soul and simultaneously accepts goodness of all the religions. The one divinity practically is a call for equity, equality, justice and liberty. Every religion has to get rid of rituals, rites and cults to purify it.
We only manage our pain and pleasure throughout our life. We always try to avoid pain and seek pleasure pursuing every act and factors related to it. This makes us selfish and immoral. We try to achieve power to do all this and hold the fear of others, as well as exhibit it whenever required. All this is futile because it takes us no where, like paddling a boat tied on the bank of a river. God is not privilege of a particular religion, community or individual; nor he is limited to any installation, be it a temple or a church. God is smallest particle, basis of all names and forms; one who illuminates intellect and all knowledge lies within time. Our passionate, conscious and egoless participation in the life process of the world is key to this problem. If there is God we must attribute to him infinite awareness and creativity. This is crux of wellness in this universe.
The study of work of creator is noblest employment of mind because every aspect of delight of nature is proof of God and cause of adoration as well as devotion. There is one nature and there is but one God; the author and creator of the world. The almighty and eternal; the supreme, wisest and beneficent, to whom all worship and praise belongs. The providence of God is exhibited in overall works and he directs with infinite wisdom. The thinking of our heart is naked before him and he knows our determination even before they rise.
Let prudence admonish you, temperance restrain you , justice guide you, benevolence warm your heart and gratitude inspire you with devotion. It will make you happy in the present state and take you to eternal felicity, the abode of ultimate wellness.