Thursday, June 28, 2012

Changed Outlook

Outlay of poverty alleviation and social sector was Rs. 8000 cr. in 1995 & it is Rs. 185000 cr. in 2011-2012. The outcome is almost same. We have the same rank even today according to UNDP Human Development index. One department makes house for poor, another makes toilet and 83% of money is administrative expenditure in some way or the other. If all the money goes to gram panchayat directly, a major part of it at least more than 50% will be spent on work in spite of corruption and people being stakeholder will change the system and ensure proper utilization.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Know Limitations" 
God is omniscient but our soul has limited knowledge, understanding and intellectual power. We can perceive God in so many ways being thoughtful but we generally view the formless God through worldly forms, images and totem prevalent around us in the society. This ignorance is mother of all trouble and tensions amongst the religions and sects of the world. It is to be understood to understand different religions in proper perspective and initiations of the beginning to understand God.