Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Workable tips

Excitement of work is unending romance because mind always dictates the body and it is only work which sustains life. Illness, pains and sorrow never stay with optimistic hard worker. Easy forgivers and busy people remain in wellness and live long.
Some more tips are:-
1.Do nothing for 10 to 15 minutes
2.Tune on music of your choice from concertos to country music.
3.Think that you are a happy person for 5 minutes daily to cultivate positive emotions, like counting the blessings of your life or thanking the maker of this universe.
4.Laugh loudly at least once everyday.
5.Think for sometimes about people and things you love.
6.Rise and wakeup very much relaxed in the morning, go for deep belly breathing, practice it for sometimes with intervals of 5 minutes walk.

Kingpin of Wellness

Living requires courage to adopt to the demands of time and everyday is heralded, as a new dawn holding hope and a new promise for us. When you want to make the most of it, every moment gives a new chance, this is how every day we are reminded the meaning of survivor.
Unnecessary interventions with land, water and air, tension of high-tech life and material driven life style has left us in a planet where millions have heart attack every year and death is the first symptom for at least half of them. It is not possible to determine the heart attack risk correctly because our susceptibility differs. Statistics goes to reveal that men have the risk more than women and so the body bulk.
Controlling the risk factors for heart diseases is a complete life style project and a full time job. You have to appreciate diet, exercise and emotional management to make all this sustainable for life time. High technology tools are lifesaving and medical science is advancing everyday scattering new hopes from stuns, balloons, artery graft to capsules and magic bullets but real management of risk factor is definitely a more valuable investment of our life. Following things should be incorporated in our living:-
1. Avoid emotional and physical stress by a simplified and slow life style and relieve these pressures if they occur by practicing the art of meditation and technique of silent observation.
2. Sweat and stress muscles and drain of energy stores to increase the cytokines level. Daily aerobic is very good for heart. All these things overwhelm the decay factors and plaque accumulators of the arteries and veins. Exercise enough to sweat daily turns our life around. It is the single most important change we can ever make, and a leap towards real wellness.
3. Eating less then hunger, closing the last meal of the day early up to 8.00 pm and going nuts as well as fruit salads goes to help in multiple ways.
4. Taking care of waistline to manage metabolic syndrome and keeping it in between 80 to 90 cm. depending on weight and height is also very important.

Transfer of Energy for wellness

Vital energy can be composed and transferred elsewhere for purposes of healing and wellness. Practically it involves relaxation, composition and transfer of energy in following manner:-

1. We have to go for total muscular, relaxation or complete body relaxation. It is done by thinking and relaxing each part of our body i.e. neck, right arm, left arm, legs and trunk etc. one by one, encircling and relaxing several times. It can be done four to five times in the beginning but once or twice is enough after some practice.
2. Slow breathing from stomach and nose not the chest, a minimum of five spells of expansion of lungs is practiced.
3. Repeating and really believing, “I am energy and I am pure wellness”, go deeper and deeper. Break it, take a pause for 20, 30 seconds and now divert this energy calling it to cure. A mental call if required can also be sent.
4. Now gently stroke on the forehead of the sick person and feel the solar plexus which gradually emits light and go on taking deep breathes. Ask the patient to take deep breathe and close his or her eyes.
5. Finally breathe with the patient in complete rhyme for sometime.

Think you are a medium or channel for unknown spiritual energy, the embodiment of wellness. You may feel sensation in your hand and it will percolate the body of the ill person. Practice of this process will go on increasing the cosmic energy and healing power.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

See Thoughts

Mad and mad race of modern times leads to multidimensional stress network. This has made our present life a meaningless mass of feverish activities. Practically all this does not allow us to concentrate on anything worthwhile and we remain entangling in the mess of thoughts.
We only look at the world from outside, this goes to make things more complex and superimposed because we look at the world with our own thoughts and mental preoccupation. All this comes from memory and predominates every vision of mind. This memory is representation of past experiences of a person and it is refreshed and bathed every moment in personal likes and dislikes.
Every view of our life is polluted because we see the present always comparing and translating with the past. If you analyze and try to see all these things(in thoughts as such) the pictures and diagrams of canvas of thinking gradually slow down, reduce substantially and finally get lost.


Prayer has been used to relieve the tension and induce wholesome mental attitude in every part of the world. Prayer is a kind of honest confession and a valuable measure of life. It is not superstitious as many people think because, firstly the positive and wholesome thoughts tend to bring every wishful result, secondly every prayer is an autosuggestion which influences our mind and body profoundly. It also adds to our confidence and provides telepathic services which really bring in real harmony with cosmic energy and promotes wellness. It is most important benefit of prayer that it proves that a great protecting power is also there at your back and calls to guide and facilitate your honest calls. Following things enhance peace during prayer and make it better :-

1. Blue coloured background and walls
2. Insulation of seat, carpet or rug for sitting
3. Keeping fresh flower which invite lights from all the sides

We can add a few exercises for concentration. One is reading difficult and heavy books, rereading these texts and understanding then repeating hypothetically in our mind. Another good practices to concentrate on second needle or hand of a watch. Here we try to concentrate on the second needle only, reducing the wandering of thoughts.

Vital Energy

Perfection in very small and little acts of life is key to specialty and distinction. The incomparable courtesy, the unimpeachable order of arranging small things, the fastidious care of dressing and correspondences reveal our human character. Forceful communication reveals the dignity of personality and great quality of leadership. All these features though presented as code of conduct and ingredients of a good personality are in fact methods to conserve the vital energy.
A certain amount of this vital and magnetic energy is contained in every living being. It is sufficient when we are healthy but gets depleted in diseased conditions and illnesses. It can again be made good by rest, care and sleep etc. It can be easily restored but this process is very slow and tug of war with diseases continues. These practices of removal of illness are uncertain. If stimulants are taken to cure the disease, the body expends vital energy very fast and this creates a delusion that we are becoming strong though ultimately everything is doomed.
Spiritual healing is a very good option of wellness which may catalyze or arouse the nerve centers and energize the functions of the body. This enables the body to cure itself.

Power of Thoughts

Mind has tremendous potential and it can be turned in any direction. One can also turn his mind from one extreme to another. Simple technique to start a change is mental concentration which finally starts showing inner transformation.
It is very unfortunate that education today makes us only passive recipient of knowledge. Teachers fail to make us think because we remain passive. In fact there is no need of a teacher for those who can really think. The power of thinking is to be energized, which is already there in us.
Thoughts are independent objects, which like energy behave in conservation. Thoughts are capable of taking material form and influence from distance. Every thought we send out in to the world attracts like thoughts and finally returns to the sender with the added power, just like a soft ball or a boomerang. Love, justice and forgiveness etc. come back to the sender and originator making him richer and richer. Similarly negative thoughts make the sender more unhappy. We find in our life that return of the same path is easier and shorter because we are helped by our own thoughts and results of those thoughts.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Charity is flow of required things and objects from haves to havenots. It is a social service of poor and deserving people. Ideal of charity is depicted in giving away the last bit of bread even if you are starving. It is a great purity of action and self control. It is practice of universal love and benevolence. It is also prescribed that only the best should be given in charity. While practicing charity we defy ownership of wealth and dilate our own ego which leads to eternal peace. Prayer and worship direct us towards supereme wellness and ultimate abode but charity procures the seat and space for you there. All good works and services have ingredients of charity, if nothing is being expected in return, not even publicity and appreciation. To be kind and forgiving is also charity. It is a great charity to pray and educate for wellness and welfare of people as well as impart education and moral support.
Life with mission of charity becomes a purposeful pilgrimage waking love and grace. These lend a unique charm to life and render it meaningful. Charity always witnesses the joy and peace of sharing and goes to generate cosmic love. It paves unity and wellness in multiple ways.

Mind and Peace

If we simply analyse when we feel peace in our day today life we find that we were out of regular thought process for sometime and felt good. Peace is also experienced during sleep because mind is not functional. It proves that something like state of no mind gives us peace. We feel another kind of peace after some enjoyment because all the excitement which was there before that pleasure moment simply calms down and during enjoyment we forgot everything for sometime.
We revolt and resist against busy and panicy life, as a result strive and struggle for peace. There is a paradox, the more we struggle to achieve peace, the more peace is lost. Similarly who is not struggling can also not sit peacefully. The basic fact about peace is that it never comes from anything external. If we try for it, we can never get peace but if we close our eyes, stop talking, only slow the thinking process, peace comes automatically.
In our worldly life we are used to create disturbances and start relishing them. Offcourse peace was there before these disturbances appeared. When ever we are able to stop these disturbances again for a while, peace appears and becomes evident. If simply ego is diluted, the sense of ‘I’ and “Mine” is blurred; even if we remain on the scene of occurance, we are not involved and peace is possible.
Following this process, if we go on practicing we may get this separate individual dissolved, ‘I’ mantled with ego disappears in the oneness of life, like a doll made up of sugar dipped in a large tub of sugar solution. It gradually deepen the peace and silence. Ego is further quitened in due course of time in all its aspects. We may reach the state of spontaneous life and time cycle by this process and reach where there is no pride and fears, no regrets and tears.

Material and Peace

We strive to gain all the objects in our life attributing happiness and wellness to them, whether we get them or not, the effort and process of achieving them creates a seperate chain of complicacies. Desires go on changing even if we fulfil them and we become comfortable or once the needs are satisfied. All this does not make us happy because our ego further downgrades the comfort achieved and again cherishes happiness in something else. Simply the desire goes on changing and standard of fulfilment in our imagination is further elevated.
In the first phase we should see these desires and their making to dilute and avoid them and gradually understanding very clearly that we are seeking happiness in our life and not the worldly objects, we should try to get rid of desires. We find in our life that grief and sorrow does not come to us because we lack some object and material but because of the sense of incompleteness.
No objects can make us happy but they should not be opposed effortfully or thrown outside. What we really need to reject is only the concept that these worldly objects will give us lasting happiness. One can verywell desire objects but he should not insist on fulfilment of these desires. More we insist on it more disturbances it is going to cause which really deflect our mental peace and wellness. It is a chain reaction.